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About IIOT

IIOT Telecom is working on providing services for the industrial internet of thing by making use of blockchain technology. There are two main components of their business. They are a LoRaWAN wireless network, and a decentralized platform for the IIoT. The IIoT platform will gather large amounts of data from smart devices which will then be stored on blockchain and processed using specialized algorithms. The information stored on blockchain has the ability to be sent to various business systems for analysis and visualization. Blockchain technology creates an independent and widely available platform.


Smart Parking
➤ Book a free parking space through mobile app!
Smart Trash Cans
➤ Urban services see overflowing trash containers on Google Maps
Smart Lightings
➤ Turns on depending on weather conditions or as directed by Operator
Smart Crop Irrigations
➤ The farmer sees dry soil plots on Google Maps and watering only them
Smart Improvement the Livestock Population
➤ The farmer knows that the cow is "ready" to reproduce via What's UP
Smart Storage of Crops
➤ The farmer sees the rot of the crop on the warehouse map and can iterate them


The management house company can instantly collect indication of electricity, gas and water meters.

Instant Metering of Water Consumption

Instant Metering of Electricity

Instant Accounting of Gas Consumption


  • Simple Services

Our services are simple and benefits are clear to any person/company. To connect them do not need programmers and engineers. Just buy a ready kit and install.

  • Own Currency I2 Coins

To pay for the Industrial Internet of things Services our Clients will use our I2 CryptoCoins. They will buy them on the crypto currency exchange. Investors will sell.

  • Endless Market

The capacity of the market of the Internet of things at the end of 2025 – 85 billion devices worldwide. So the growth potential is just limitless at the moment.

  • I2 CryptoCoins Grow with the Company

Our company receives the payment in I2 Coins. Accordingly, we are most interested in the growth of the cost of our currency. Due to the huge number of the connected IIoT devices, it will be the high turnover and the rising cost of our I2 CryptoCoins.

  • The Lifelong Payment of Remuneration

We pay lifetime compensation to any person in I2 Cryptocoins, which led the Client to our IIoT Platform. The remuneration is paid in the amount of 5% of monthly Customer payments and to pay as long as the Customer pays for the service.

  • Additional Profit

Want more and you feel the energy? Buy exclusive franchise of our company on the region/city and directly affect to the revenue. The franchise can be resold to third parties subject.


  • Open IIoT Platform

Own develop IIoT Platform based on Blockchain, highly scalable, open and ready to build an ecosystem for industry partners.

  • Complete Decentralization Solution

Using the third-party platforms for decentralization IIoT Platform (EOS or SONM) and cryptocurrency transaction with the ERC-20 technology.

  • The Development of the Network through Franchising

The franchise model is successfully applied to many enterprises. This model is revenue sharing with franchisees will make a maximum speed and minimum cost to reach a wide audience.

  • LoRaWaN Technology

An open Protocol that allows you to produce energy efficient devices and LoRaWAN sensors for the Internet of things. Cheaper than 3G/4G and perspective 5G networks.

  • Low Cost and High Speed of the Network Deployment

In comparison with similar solutions, than need a modernization of the 3G/4G cellular network to represent the services from the Internet of things from the traditional Telecom operators (NB technologies-IoT, NB-CIoT and LTE-M)

  • Own Development

We manufacture our own base station LoRaWAN and sensors LoRaWAN for the Industrial Internet of things. So we can control the quality and provide minimum prices.

Hasil gambar untuk iiot token


2015 The team is formed
2016/1 The beginning of the IIoT Platform development.
2016/2 Began to design LoRaWAN devices on the Semtech chip. The IIoT Platform structure. Developed the visualization modules and DataBus bus.
2017 Developed alpha version of the Platform IIoT.
Developed prototypes of the LoRaWAN base stations and LoRaWAN modems.
Start designing prototypes.
2018 ICO!
Produce some prototypes LoRaWAN base stations on the Semtech chip. Revision alpha version IIoT Platform 
2019 Testing the prototypes of LoRaWAN base stations. Testing of prototypes in conjunction with the IIoT Platform. Develop the beta version of the IIoT Platform.
2020/1 Public release of the Platform IIoT. Completion by results of testing base stations LoRaWAN.
2020/2 The launch of the pilot areas of the project. Bug fixes, revision of systems. Development of prototypes of sensors for agriculture, etc.
2021/1 Launch of the franchise Launch the industrial production of LoRaWAN devices.
2021/2 Testing prototypes sensors for smart Parking, smart lighting, and sensors for agriculture. Active promotion the company in the global market.
2022 Develop the company and achieving the goals.

Contact Us :
WEBSITE : https://iiot.tel/
WHITEPAPER : https://iiot.tel/wp-iiot.pdf
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/iiottel
FACEBOOK : https://fb.me/iiottel
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/iiottel

Author : catur123
Eth : 0x6b85eA6ed28A887798D75DE9c4Db61479422C9E9

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